I love writing. Of all the subjects I struggled with in school, writing always came naturally to me. My penmanship was atrocious, my spelling was phonetic, and despite being a delayed reader, I’ve always had the gift for gab, both written and orally.

It wasn’t until my early 20s that I became more serious with my writing, first through personal journals, then research papers, and eventually led to my current writings which include essays, op-eds, poetry, and policy proposals.

Here you will find a collection of some of my writings.

I write as a form of self-care, of unpacking all the ideas and thoughts in my mind and sharing ideas I believe can improve our world.




‘The problem is police agencies, not Black people’

Street Roots. 4/20/2021

Read article here.

Opinion: We must replace ‘benefit of the doubt’ with a commitment to accountability

Oregonian. 2/21/2019

Read here.


Been Waiting My Entire Life for a Black Superhero

The Portland Observer. 2/28/2018

Read here.